Life Hack to Figure Out What Do Do With Your Life

I don’t want to be another Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Serena Williams, or Mother Teresa. I’m inspired by all of them, but not to become them. I could potentially embody some aspects of each or forge my own path entirely. Ultimately, that would be uniquely me.
It’s like each of us is given a vast canvas and a selection of paintbrushes to craft the life we desire. Naturally, we all aim to create something beautiful.
Some of us have a hard time getting started; it’s the urge to create the best art ever. Some are unsure of what the soul truly desires to paint.
Some of us start too soon and then suddenly lose the connection with the painting itself and want to redo it again. Some go wild with all the colors and make it something too busy to figure out.
But it’s okay. We are humans, and we are learning. You can always paint over it and start again. After all, messy arts are the most loved ones. Or change a few colors here and there. Or… maybe make an airplane out of that cardboard paper and fly it if you feel like it!